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Nitin Gupta Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Nitin gupta

Respected Regulators, I want to bring your attention to this change. I feel this is not correct for the following reasons: a) I (and my family) should be able to choose the public investments which are right for me as long as I understand the risks and the rewards. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the privileged. I don't want others to decide what I can do or not and where I should invest the money. it is like telling the decision makers, where they should eat or not because some places have high quality food and some not or where they should travel or not. You can issue advisories or provide information, but the decision should be MINE. Even the US government did NOT dictate a life threatening situation like Covid for everybody to be vaccinated, then why dictate investments? Thank you for taking the right decision.