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Nikki Henrichsen Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Nikki Henrichsen

To the regulators: I'm extremely tired of gov't regulators who constantly interfere with every day citizens' freedom in every aspect of our lives. You, regulators and corrupt politicians in DC are so hungry of power and control over our daily lives. You constantly want to cram down rules and regulations on the everyday American citizens, and yet Congress, their congressional staff, the judicial system, the White House, the politicians, the lobbyists are somehow always able to avoid the regulations that you are shoving down our throats. For example, the vaccine mandate, the insider trading policies, Obamacare, blah, blah, blah, etc..etc.. Everything the corrupt DC touches turns to trash. Look at the economy, the gas prices, the killing of our energy independence, the border, the supply chain, the homeless, the drugs, the housing bust back in the 2000's, on and on. So, do us a favor! Let us make our own decisions, live our lives without you guys destroying us anymore. We don't need the gov't to tell me when and how to invest. We believe we can do a much better job when the gov't leaves us alone. The gov't already destroyed the stock market in 16 months, so please stay out of our lives and let us make our own investments and protect our investments. By the way, if you really want to protect the everyday investors, then regulate the people in Congress, Senate, White House staff by not allowing them to trade while in office. That would be more beneficial to the average investors.