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Nicholas Penry Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Nicholas Penry

As a good father would not neglect nor punish the reservations and protective nature of his childs small, worthless, yet invaluable collection of odd, incongruent, and disassociated toysneither should a person in financial authority govern over those with less money, less experience, less intelligence, or be given the power to reign over them with unwelcome, hostile regulation and impingement upon their liberties and adult faculties. To continue with this trend of separating the few Haves from the exponentially-growing Have-Nots, and you will get the very reward of Loneliness at the End of a Plank-Board that you are so-obviously inviting within your decades of Rules for Thee, but Not For Me. Only a wretched fool would disregard this fair and loving warning.