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Nicholas Palombo Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Nicholas Palombo

To price Americans out of investing instruments or to impose any measures that keep retail investors from accessing investment instruments is just about as un-American as it gets. Many investors, myself included, find leveraged and inverse ETFs as unique opportunities to obtain margin without needing a margin-enabled account or without taking on direct debt to invest in the stock market.

Retail investors deserve the same opportunities in investing that institutions have, and to deny small, personal investors the ability to seek returns using the same instruments directly conflicts with a free and fair market. Moreover, it is no way anyones right or interest to control anothers money other than the individual investor. I am capable of assessing my financial status and risk tolerance. I do not need to be regulated in that regard to protect me from myself. If youd like to protect retail investors, then focus on regulations that would shore up latency arbitrage, front-running, and payment for order flow.

Thank you for your time.