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Neil Jabbour Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Neil Jabbour

I oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments.

By creating restrictions to these investments, only the priviledged will be able to choose these investments. This is comletely unfair.

I have used leverage and inverse funds for probably at least a decade and they play a role in my investments strategies. I understand the risks involved, and these investments have been a limited, but very important part of my portfolio. They offer a convenient way to setup hedges, or to seek an enhanced return, without relying on options which I believe to be far riskier than a leveraged etf.

We should not have to go through any special process, I oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments.

By creating restrictions to these investments, only the priviledged will be able to choose these investments. This is comletely unfair.

I have used leverage and inverse funds for probably at least a decade and they play a role in my investments strategies. I understand the risks involved, and these investments have been a limited, but very important part of my portfolio. They offer a convenient way to setup hedges, or to seek an enhanced return, without relying on options which I believe to be far riskier than a leveraged etf.

We should not have to go through any special process, such as passing a test, before we can invest in these securities. There needs to be more trust and faith in individuals to decide and implement investment strategies, as they would know their situation and risk tolerance better than any regulator woud know.

Please, do not not limit who can invest in these funds.
vsuI oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments.

By creating restrictions to these investments, only the priviledged will be able to choose these investments. This is comletely unfair.

I have used leverage and inverse funds for probably at least a decade and they play a role in my investments strategies. I understand the risks involved, and these investments have been a limited, but very important part of my portfolio. They offer a convenient way to setup hedges, or to seek an enhanced return, without relying on options which I believe to be far riskier than a leveraged etf.

We should not have to go through any special process, such as passing a test, before we can invest in these securities. There needs to be more trust and faith in individuals to decide and implement investment strategies, as they would know their situation and risk tolerance better than any regulator woud know.

Please, do not not limit who can invest in these funds.I oppose restrictions on my right to invest in public investments.

By creating restrictions to these investments, only the priviledged will be able to choose these investments. This is comletely unfair.

I have used leverage and inverse funds for probably at least a decade and they play a role in my investments strategies. I understand the risks involved, and these investments have been a limited, but very important part of my portfolio. They offer a convenient way to setup hedges, or to seek an enhanced return, without relying on options which I believe to be far riskier than a leveraged etf.

We should not have to go through any special process, such as passing a test, before we can invest in these securities. There needs to be more trust and faith in individuals to decide and implement investment strategies, as they would know their situation and risk tolerance better than any regulator woud know.

Please, do not not limit who can invest in these funds.
ch as passing a test, before we can invest in these securities. There needs to be more trust and faith in individuals to decide and implement investment strategies, as they would know their situation and risk tolerance better than any regulator woud know.

Please, do not not limit who can invest in these funds.