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Neil Hahn Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Neil Hahn

I am very concerned that I have heard that regulators are contemplating putting new requirements on individuals that want to invest in leveraged or inverse funds. I am an investor that has been investing in various stock, mutual funds, and ETFs for over 50 years. The advent of leveraged and inverse funds through the use of ETFs has greatly enhanced my capability to improve my investment returns. Prior to the advent of these vehicles, I was happy to have returns of 5% or 10% a year. Since including them in my investment strategies, my returns have increased to well over 25% per year. They are just great vehicles to include in anyone's investment strategy.
I very much oppose having regulators impose new regulations that would impede my capability for these kinds of returns on my personal investment choices. Any investment a person makes has risk. But all investors should be allowed to assess those risks for themselves, and invest as they deem appropriate for them. I shouldn't have to go through any special processes, or be subjected to special testing to determine if I am capable of handling my own investments. If I want to invest in a stock, I should be allowed to do so. If I want to invest in a Mutual Fund, I should be allowed to do so. If I want to invest in a particular ETF -- even a leveraged or reverse ETF -- I should be allowed to do so. I should even be allowed to invest in all the various kinds of option vehicles that are available -- many of which are quite risky, and require a great deal of knowledge. I just believe that my money is my money, and I should be allowed to use it as I see fit. Only I can determine if a particular investment -- or expense like buying a house -- is the right thing to do with my money. I absolutely do not believe that regulators should limit my capability to handle my money as I see fit. ETFs, Leveraged ETFs, Mutual Funds, Index Funds, etc. are all investments that should be allowed to be used by individual investors as they see fit without oversight by regulators. Only I know my individual assets, and if particular investments are right for my own investment goals. Regulators should not try to put everyone in a single category of capability. We're all different. Allow the free market to truly operate as a free market!!