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Neil Christensen Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Neil Christensen

I have been investing in TQQQ for 5 years now. I use a quarterly rebalancing method that has benefitted from TQQQ's high degree of volatility. When it is high, I sell off a portion. When it is low, I buy more shares with the money set aside in bond funds for this purpose. I understand the risks associated with this product and trade accordingly. I recognize the possibility of losing my investments and only invest money I am able to lose.

I am a college professors of modest means that would never achieve the sort of financial security and ability that I want without access to TQQQ. If you removed my ability to invest in products such as this, you would effectively only allow the already wealthy to gain more wealth and would block my ability to rise into financial freedom. Therefore, I am stringently opposed to removing my ability to invest in leveraged products such as this.

The most that is acceptable, from my point of view, would be for the investor to first read and acknowledge the severe risk associated with these products. Such literature should be short and easy to understand. But, if the investor acknowledges the risk and chooses to invest of their own free will, then it would be highly inappropriate to not allow them.

Thank you for considering my input.