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Neil Carrick Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Neil Carrick

Public investments should be available to ALL of the public, NOT just the PRIVILEGED few.....

All one has to do is read what is provided by the securities to know, understand what they offer... It is a joke, insult to think I would need to take a class, pass a test to try to make money with MY MONEY.......

When the market is DUMPING as it currently is its nice to make a few dollars, hedge my investing etc.. I use them in a limited fashion when I feel it is appropriate after watching what is going on in the day.. AGAIN, the idea is to make money, this is a tool to do so and it should be left alone and available to all whom what to use it to invest.. This SMACKS of the privileged trying to impose ridiculous rules with the idea of keeping the average investor out of the game.....

Everyone who invests in the market does so to make MONEY... that means using all the tools that are available to you to do so..

The only reason this has come about at this time is because people are making money and it no doubt threatens some people of the "ESTABLISHMENT", pathetic and ridiculous.

Respectfully, Neil Carrick