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Neal Frederick Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Neal Frederick

This is proposal is another fine example of government intervention where none is needed. I know that this proposal is written by special interest groups driven by their profit motivation not for the best interest of the public. No one is going to invest in a leveraged fund unless they know what they are investing in. In no way should regulations require that investors go through any special process like passing a test before investing. This fund is an important component of my investment strategy, and I am fully aware of the downside risk. Forcing me and other investors to prove to some uninterested government official that I am aware of the risks by taking a test is a gross injustice to the investing community. I have over 50 years of investing experience as an individual investor, and I know what I am doing without government meddling. Let me summarize - Keep your hands off; find something more useful to the public than imposing additional regulations.