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Nathanael Filbert Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Nathanael Filbert

Hi there,

I am writing in severe opposition to Regulatory Notice #22-08 which explores the possibility of a number of limitations and regulations on the common investor. This regulation is absurd and I am completely against it!

First, it is my right as a citizen of this country to invest my money as I wish. Only I can determine what is and isn't best for myself and my family financially. FINRA's job is not to decide for me what is and isn't a suitable investment for me to make. It's job is to make sure that each product is operating within the laws of the united states and leave the suitability up to each individual. If FINRA would like to do training campaigns and disclosure campaigns for or against certain products to help increase public awareness about various risks certain products present, fine. But FINRA should in no way whatsoever create insurmountable hurdles for the average investor to reach their goals.

This country is founded on a principle, the right to PURSUE happiness. Do not take away my right to the pursuit of growth, of leveraging my money so that I might have a chance at living the life I wish or adequately preparing for my retirement goals. DO NOT make the wealth gap which is already absurd in this country greater but once again ruling in favor of those who already have so much and against those who have so little all in some misguided name of "protection". The only thing this legislation would protect is the reality of how impossible it is for the average American to grow their own wealth.

I am capable of understanding the risks and funds I'm investing in. Do not insult my intelligence nor the intelligence of the average American. We can do research, we can speak with advisors and get feedback, we have the capacity to explore the risks involved with these sorts of investments and to make wise personal choices. Your job, once again, is not to limit my freedom, it is to provide information and to make sure each product is within the law, that's it. Stay away from my right to invest my money where I wish.

Leveraged and inverse funds are crucial to the strategy I employ in my investments. Using a quarterly signal I harness the power of such volatility to reach my financial goals. This quarterly signal I follow and the math protects my investment from my emotions and the dangers of fear based decision making. In so doing I have seen my investment over 12 years (including through the '08 crash and the '20 pandemic drop grow a CAGR of over 60% and a ARR of 350%. For me this is a success and I'm quite happy with the system I have in place.

DO NOT continue to pursue this regulation, life is hard enough already without you taking even more opportunities away from people like me who are just trying to live our lives the way we wish. It is not your right, it is not your purpose, it is not your job. Please stay away from my money and my system and focus instead on making more of these types of securities available to the average American. Provide us with education, do not reduce our already limited options for growth.