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Nadine Khoury Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Nadine Khoury

Hello, Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just the high net worth individuals. Despite their risk, Leveraged and inverse funds enhance returns when they are used as a limited part of my overall portfolio. It isnt right to only offer them to the rich under the assumption that they can afford to lose more. We, with less money care just as much about our money but want a fair chance as well. Leveraged and inverse funds are important to protect against a choppy and volatile market. I only invest what I can afford to live without, yet cautiously and with careful consideration. The goal is to grow my portfolio and have a chance at a decent retirement, like the people with a lot more money. Even when one loses some, one learns and does better. I am counting on your help and understanding. Thank you for considering my need and point of view. Sincerely, Nadine El Khoury