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Morris Crump Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Morris Crump

To whom it may concern, It's undemocratic to make certain investments available only to the already wealthy. Leveraged investments should remain available to everyone, regardless of their net worth. And the same rules should apply equally, to everyone, all the time. It's not possible for regulators to care as much about my investments as I do, despite their best intentions. And nobody is going to put as much time and energy into looking out for my best investing interests, and the best investing interests of my family, as I do. I am plenty cognizant of the risks of leveraged investments and do not need, nor want, regulators trying to babysit me. Investing is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Limiting the investments available to the public handcuffs an investors' ability to manage his or her own investments and can only, in the aggregate, negatively affect the quality of the investing job the public is quite capable of doing for themselves. In the aggregate, preventing the public from investing in leveraged funds with either reduce their returns or increase their drawdowns - or, most likely, both. Please do not do this.