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Miles Mitchell Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Miles Mitchell

It has come to my attention that FINRA is considering new restrictions on the ability of the public to invest in leveraged and inverse funds. I'm writing to express my opposition to restrictions which would significantly limit the public's access to and ability to use these important investment tools. In my own experience, leveraged and inverse funds are very useful in allowing me to protect my portfolio in uncertain and volatile times for the markets. In addition, I occasionally use these tools to increase my investment returns. I use these tools on a limited basis, and access to them has given me greater peace of mind and confidence with my investing.
Although I am self-taught as an investor, I have not found these products difficult to understand. Information about these products is widely available on the internet, including the risks and need to exercise reasonable care with their use. As a Charles Schwab client, I receive a notice concerning the risks of these types of investments when I am about to purchase them, and I think this is sufficient.
If FINRA determines that some additional disclosures and/or protections are warranted, their design and implementation should not preclude the public from having access to these tools. These types of investments allow the public to have similar opportunities as investing professionals.