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Mike S Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Mike S

The leveraged ETF's are a way for the little guy to make money. One of the big advantages that Wall St. has over the little guy is a plethora of capital at their disposal. The little guy invests with the little extra savings from their paychecks or bonuses. It's almost impossible to build wealth with the little extra savings most Americans accumulate each year. The old saying used to be..."It takes money to make money". Leveraged ETF's has changed that. Leveraged ETF's give the little guy who doesn't have a lot of money a level playing field with Wall St. and the opportunity to make significant gains. They provide opportunities many Americans have never had. Do not restrict/prohibit access to leveraged ETFs. Limiting/prohibiting them will only continue to favor Wall St. and the wealthy. We need to continue to give lower and middle class America a fighting chance in building wealth for their families, especially with inflation running rampant like it is!