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Mike Geddes Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Mike Geddes

Please note I've been investing with 3x leveraged ETFs (e.g. TQQQ) for over two years with no concern about the volatility of these instruments. The math should be simple for most people .... if 3x the underlying security, then invest only 1/3 of assets to obtain equivalent volatility of underlying security. This has proven to be beneficial since more funds are available to invest in more conservative funds to obtain less volatility of the total portfolio. Additionally, inverse ETFs provide an opportunity to hedge against a down market that would only result in minimal losses if the market should go up by (again) only investing a small allocation of total portfolio. So, please consider the value of these instruments for the investor when used appropriately for the situation. Thank you for your consideration of these comments, and look forward for the opportunity to continue investing in leveraged and inverse securities.