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Michael Victor Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Michael Victor

I have been an investor for more then 40 years and own all types of risk assets including stock and bond ETFs, mutual funds, individual equities in every industry, highly risky and rarely successful option trades and leverages and short funds.
I have had more success trading short or leveraged funds then options. Even a seasoned investor like myself looses money regularly with options. Short funds give me insurance should the market fall. Without that choice I would have to embrace some other strategy like large capital outlays to short stocks or use options. Short funds and funds that move 2x or 3x the market are very important in the arsenal of every investors.
Risk assets, are risk assets and to attempt to slice and dice something that is inherently risky to make it safer for investors is absurd. Short and leverages funds should be embraced by regulators and investors alike and recognized as a part of a well balanced portfolio. To remove them would be an injustice to all investors.