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Michael Oconnor Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08


Why is it that the government thinks they know what's best for me and I don't. In a country that is rapidly losing the basic freedoms promised to us, now you want to take away my financial freedoms. Inverse funds help me protect capital during periods of turmoil, high inflation, geopolitical risks, and government overspending, to name a few. Leveraged funds allow me to hedge my positions quickly, as I did during the pandemic crash and the financial crisis of 2008-09. It is not hard to understand these are short term instruments. I use these tools to hedge my stock positions. These regulations would restrict my freedom to protect my assets. Freedom allows me to choose my own course of action based on my experience and knowledge. Too many Americans believe the playing field is tilted to benefit the rich and connected. I suspect this regulation would widen the wealth gap. How many freedoms do I need to lose in the name of the government protecting me?