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Michael Lenker Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Michael Lenker

Proposed limits on access to leveraged and inverse funds have no place in a public market. Individual investors are the appropriate judges of these investments' suitability for their particular investment plans. Plenty of sound advice is available for newbies, if needed, at a reasonable cost. The US regulatory regime is already outrageous, handicapping US citizens compared to nationals of other Western nations. Many foreign institutions refuse to deal with us at all, because of the reporting burden you place on them. If we are not yet "accredited investors," we are locked out of potentially lucrative investments in early stage businesses, even if we are experts in the technology or processes they would take to market. The SEC's approach to blockchain assets has half-strangled a whole new, potentially revolutionary industry.

Your activities can only be understood as a deliberate attempt to prevent us from achieving financial independence, so we have no recourse but routine W-2 employment, processing our meager savings through a retirement system with limited investment options, poor returns and high fees.

FREE the serfs, instead of pushing us down even harder!