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Michael Krolak Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Michael Krolak


As someone who invests in their limited free time, I still have more than enough information at my fingertips to research where I put my money. Limiting my ability to invest in leveraged funds does nothing more than keep leverage out of my hands, while concentrating these sorts of valuable financial tools in the hands of those who don't need to worry about how they'll be affording food and shelter during a retirement they hope is still even possible.

I fully understand and support any efforts by FINRA to educate the general public to better grasp the way leveraged funds work and the risks associated with them, but fully and unequivocally oppose any effort to limit access to them.

A link to guidance/warnings and a checkbox that investors have to click saying "I hereby understand leveraged funds and the risks involved, etc." can be added to give investors pause before submitting our orders, but I see no reason whatsoever for limiting access to these funds. My wife and I are literate adults; we can make decisions related to our family's financial future and our individual risk tolerance on our own.