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Michael Kramer Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Michael Kramer

The investor or trader should be entitled to make their own investment decisions if they so choose to do so. Limiting the ability of individuals to do so should not be allowed as it is a violation of personal rights of free speech which is protected under our constitution. If I as an investor choose to invest or trade in any one kind of investment I consider that to be my business, not the business of some government bureaucrat that probably has no idea of how to invest or trade for themselves. But, it that same person wishes to participate in investing or trading then that is their business and that should be respected and not be limited by someone else. Leveraged and inverse funds are an important part of the investment community as they serve a function to help regulate the underlying securities. I use them because they can enhance the returns of my trading efforts. If I make a mistake and loose money while using them then that is my fault as I am not required to use them.