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Michael Jones Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Michael Jones

With the increasing encroachment of criminal activity by members of the US government abusing their power and positions to use the public's lack of understanding concerning their Constitutional Rights and the Laws of this Country combined with the increasing destruction of our Democracy and the control that has been gathered by these criminals and it's detrimental effects on our country and its people with the majority of it showing in the the public's loss of freedom it now becomes of the utmost importance that this particular freedom and ability not be systematically robbed from the people, as it is the last bit of dry ground the public holds to direct the wellbeing of their own future. Not only would it be a blatant crime to carry out this act but it would be the biggest mistake of the carriers of those who would consider such an act and I mean a mistake on multiple levels in which there would be no recovering from. Any American who truly desires to do right by their country and serve the wellbeing of its people knows perfectly well that this absolutely must be stopped immediately and efforts must be taken to make sure that a crime like this is never humored ever again. The difference between right and wrong is an obvious thing, as is the nature of those who support either state and the actions that come of them. If even one person is brave enough to do the right thing it becomes a light for all others who have needed the courage to act in kind and will cleans away the stranglehold that so many criminals have held over our country and this is the perfect place to start. 444*