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Michael Hunt Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Michael Hunt

I oppose restrictions of my right to invest! I just recently started investing heavily. Honestly, its the only thing keeping me above water. I dont make enough from my two jobs to support my family and also enjoy them. Im too busy working. Investing is giving me light at the end of the tunnel.
Ive never had this much hope for my childrens future. Ive lived a life that has experienced a lot of hardships. Unfortunate events and also letting myself down. Investing has opened my eyes to a world Im dying to become a part of by learning what I can and by doing. If I cant have access to the suite of tools a corporation or more well off person can use because of my current position in life, Im going to demand you take another look. I may be a college dropout, but Im an adequately smart man. I may also be an adequately poor man (lol). Please dont make it harder for me to pull myself back up.