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Michael Hanson Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Michael Hanson

This preposterous regulatory proposal is infuriatingly ill-conceived. It's both insulting to my decades of investing knowledge, and detrimental to my investment strategy. The notion that FINRA will categorically restrict my financial freedoms, especially given my successful use of leveraged investment products for over a decade, smacks of naivete, and a completely wrong-headed babysitting mentality. I would implore FINRA to back off this onerous, cudgeling implementation of a faux investor protection. and instead focus on vastly larger drags on retail investor profitability, such as dark pools, brazen hedge fund abuses, and rampant insider trading. Broadstroke restrictions on small investor access to leveraged products will serve only to exacerbate perceptions of government regulation as a bar to financial opportunities for retail investors.