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Michael Dammen Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Michael Dammen

I have several of the funds and investment vehicles you are talking about regulating in my portfolio. As an average citizen, I am completely capable of researching and understanding risks and rewards of different investment products. I do not appreciate being called unworthy of investing in these products. Wall Street is already rigged toward the privileged and wealthy. These types of funds are important to me to provide a small hedge in my portfolio. I use position sizing and have many funds including commodity funds, bond funds, closed end funds, mutual funds, an annuity, Certificates of deposit, and an inverse fund. Just because I choose to not use a leveraged fund does not mean someone else should be denied the opportunity. I am unhappy that I cannot place my money in other investment vehicles because my small business does not provide me enough money to be wealthy or high net worth. I am referring to farmland. Why should I be denied the right to add my 20,000 to a farmland co op buying investment vehicle just because I am not worth 500,000. You need to regulate the big players more and stop interfering in the rights of normal people to save money. Somehow I get the feeling that regular, ordinary, working class citizens are not allowed to invest and make money. If you want to regulate losses, limit the amounts of money one person can put into an investment but do not take away my right completely to invest in that investment. Michael Dammen