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Michael Claunch Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Michael Claunch

I would like to ask that you not restrict investment in leveraged or inverse funds to a select few who meet certain standards.

The United States has opperated for a long time with a free market in which people are able to invest and engage in unrestricted legal activity that accrues to their own benefit or loss. Your goal as regulators should be to protect people from crime by others or from deception and fraud. You should not try to protect people from themselves by restricting how they invest.

I am still a relative new trader, just doing it for a few years. But I have learned how to use leveraged and inverse funds to benefit my overal strategy of investing. I know there are risks. The risks in these funds are at least well publicized. Many people buy stocks where there are hidden risks where only the insiders or those with access to priviliged information are aware of the dangers. restricting the publics ability to trade leveraged or inverse funds would be a great disservice to all of us who desire to use them to hedge portfoios or other particular purposes.

Please leave us free to make our own choices which do not threaten anyone else with harm. Those of us who choose to invest know the risk we take is our own, as is every investment in the market.