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Michael Arries Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Michael Arries

Dear Finra,

I am absolutely opposed to regulation on leveraged ETFs. I have been using them for years and they are part of my long term strategy for growth in my Roth IRA. I know the risk I am taking and I have a long time horizon for these investments. I have studied the markets for 20 years and learned about economics and even technical analysis of the price charts on my own through all the free information available on the internet. I should be free to invest how I choose and be able to take responsibility for my own choices and not have my options limited or have to take a test. This is a free country build on individual initiative, so your job should be to make sure that companies are operating honestly, but not tell individuals how to manage their own money. Thank you for your consideration, and again, please do no limit investors' options. Thank You.

Mike A.