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Meredith Zidek Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Meredith Zidek

As a regular retail investor, my sole activity involves using leveraged and inverse ETFs and ETNs that are designed to track volatility either long or short. I trade and/or hold these products both buying long and selling short, and buy and sell options on them. Taking away my access to these would set to waste the 12+ years I have spent studying and refining my strategies and would completely destroy my family's livelihood. My diligent work as an investor and trader is my only vocation. I do not need any protection or oversight as I have taken it as my duty to understand the products and their underlying mechanisms and to trade carefully with risk being solely my own responsibility. My family and I would be devastated if the work I put in were undone and my tools taken away from me, essentially closing out my entire career by an unseen hand from above.