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Meher Katragadda Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Meher Katragadda

Hello FINRA,

Understand you make rules for betterment. I came to know you are changing the rules for Leveraged and Inverse ETFs and making it hard for common people to invest.

I am 61 years old and heavily invested in these ETF's as they provide better return and looking forward to my retirement. I do understand the risks involved and these days everything is detailed on internet and people debate online and exchange/share information.

Please do not pass any stringent or change regulations and mess up my retirement nest egg, and if that happens then I may have to live on public dime. Tightening too much may cause unknown adverse impacts on many people and may liquidity for these products may dry up.

Please let the people choose what they want to buy, invest or take risks and not be regulated in whatever fashion. After all, people like me who are in the trenches day in and day out know how these products work more than someone sitting in a board room and making decisions for all of us.

Appreciate you can consider my plea.
