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Maurice Wilson Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Maurice Wilson

Leveraged and Inverse products came of age during the Great Recession and were somewhat misunderstood during that period. However, since that time the providers of these products have done a great job of educating current and would be customers.

I use these products as an advisor and personally and enjoy the ease of use when it comes to protecting client and personal investments against market volatility. I also use these products to enhance returns as we know historically the market trends up over time.

My brokerage firm (IBKR) already has income, net worth, and investment experience minimums in place to ensure that only certain investors use these products.

I feel that this is sufficient.

If FINRA wants to create more education and have it more available to investors that would go further to achieve its goal. This is no different than what we currently do with alcohol and tobacco products.

Thank you!