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Matthew Parkinson Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Matthew Parkinson

This proposed regulation is nothing more than a violation of the right of the people to engage in lawful commerce. A free market economy needs to be a free market for all and not only the social or political elite. I should be able to decide when, where, and how I will manage my money and my investments.

The most disturbing thing about this proposed rule is the "cooling off" period. First, the events that led to the demise of Enron occurred during employee blackout periods during which the employees were not permitted to buy of sell, and as such, many Enron employees suffered major losses. The Enron elite were permitted to buy and sell during those times, however.

The "net worth" test is also a significant hurdle. Investment opportunities should be available for all. Employer-provided retirement accounts are an example of investments made by people other than the economic elite. These retirement accounts should be protected and allowed to continue unhindered by a regulatory system that "plays favorites."