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Matthew Obryan Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Matthew Obryan

I must begin by saying that to restrict the rights I have to do with my earned money as I see fit, under which the law allows, is inconceivable, immoral and wrong. There are only a few major needs that humans require for life and money is one of them. Financial security is another. To restrict me or any other retail investor, or uneducated person as the very idea of restricting my right to invest suggests, denies me multiple avenues to secure financial integrity and freedom as well as forcing me to rely on someone else in making certain financial decisions for me. Of i make a poor decision in regards to investing than I bear the fault all my own. If regulations are in place that require me to use a broker, than there must be regulations put in place to pass 100% of that burden of fault onto the brokers and regulators. As it is, I have the freedom to make any choice I wish to invest my own hard earned money. It must stay that way. The very foundation of the United States was built upon people who made their own choice, despite consequence or adverse effects. The very Constitution was designed to protect that and money was designed to allow anyone to make transactions as they see fit to pursue freedom and happiness. Investments are transactions. All investments, even complicated ones, should be open to anyone who freely chooses to make them. Please do not inhibit my financial future just because prices move more erratically than you like. Please consider the bigger picture before making regulations that benefit a few and restrict the many.