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Matthew M Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Matthew M

Comments are specifically speaking to self-directed / unadvised investors. Direct investment in derivatives should require additional education. Proof of completion of these courses should be required before being allowed to use them. This [REDACTED] is nitro, and the influence of people online pitching options strategies as easy and safe is enflaming the issue. It's far too easy to find stories of people actively ruining their lives because they just didn't understand. All that said, structured derivatives products should be able to be accessed by anyone and everyone using a DIY platform. ETFs and funds provide enormous disclosure on how the security is structured, and how many ways there are to lose money. So long as their product is structured the way it is disclosed, with the risks they have disclosed, any gains or losses is on the individual investor. If they don't take the time to thoroughly understand the risks before buying, that's on the investor, not the creator of the product.