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Matthew Benkendorf Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Matthew Benkendorf

I am infuriated about the current proposed FINRA Rule #22-08! I, not some buerocratic regulators in Washington, D.C. should decide where, when and how I invest my money. It is my money, that I have earned and that I fully am aware of the potential risks, pitfalls, benefits, and otherwise that I put myself in when I invest in any investment - traditional or otherwise. I should not need to jump through hoops or meet criteria that people who don't know me set to be able to invest my capital. When you set certain restrictions such as these, you only continue to further the wealth gap in this country as you have in the past. You end up causing more harm by separating the haves from the have nots. I am just as intelligent and savvy an investor as some multi-millionaire who can skip these tests because they won the lottery in life or literally and get to skip the rules you set for everyone else. I invest in leveraged or inverse ETF's as a specific percentage of my complete net worth as a part of my overall investing strategy, and it has paid off very well for me for years. If you took away my ability to do so, my portfolio returns would not even be able to match inflation rates that the governments top economist have created through mismanagement that I have been predicting for 2 years now. You have no right to take away my ability to invest in what I want. This applies to other "non-traditional" or "alternative" investments such as crypto-currency, art, real estate or otherwise. I strongly demand that you do not implement this FINRA Regulatory Notice #22-08. With these regulations you end up causing as much damage as you do to protect other investors with reasonable rules. Your regulation has gotten out of control and hampers my own rights. I should not need to pass a test, obtain a series 7, 63, or otherwise or fully become a CFP to be able to invest in what I want.