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Matt Huber Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08


Regulators need to keep their noses out of investor's business. We should be free to choose which investments we purchase, or ignore. Not only does making regulations more strict go against the very nature of the United States, it could greatly endanger those holding positions in those securities as holders could be forced out at inopportune times leading to forced losses BY THE REGULATORS. This would be the biggest tragedy of all, regulators CAUSING LOSSES to protect the public! I stayed out of the stock market for 10-12 years before I found funds, timing, and economic conditions that seemed appropriate. There are thousands of investment alternatives which far exceed the stock market and also have risks. It is impossible to protect against all risk but some positions actually mitigate risk when used as hedges. There is little to no legislation EVER, in my opinion, that limits the rights of citizens that has been useful. Just because you are a regulator it does not mean you must find something to regulate. Keep your hands off.