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Matt House Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Matt House

As a small business owner and someone who enjoys directing my own investments, I want to comment on the proposed regulation of leveraged and inverse funds. Leveraged funds make up a small, but important part, of my investment strategy. These funds are not difficult to understand nor are their potential risks and benefits. My investment strategy is conservative but leveraged funds give me an opportunity to enhance returns and take measured and calculated risks.

I do not believe that restrictions should be placed on how I invest my resources. Nor do I believe special education or testing is warranted. Furthermore, I would like to add that special knowledge is no guarantee of wise money management or investment. Most mutual funds do not outperform the S&P 500 and yet, these are directed by investment professionals.

In a time of bitcoin, meme stocks, wall street bets, and the rise of NFTs, curtailing leveraged and inverse funds is tripling down in the wrong direction.