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Mathieu L. Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Mathieu L.

Regulating those kind of investment is no free market. We should be able to invest in what we want, this is our money we are talking about. I use a strategy called Hedgefundie strategy, which consist of 55% UPRO/45% TMF, and I need to rebalance quarterly to keep that ratio. My entire TFSA is in that strategy and if we can't buy any of them anymore, I will have to sell at a loss right now in the downtrend, when that is exactly the best time for us, retail investor, to make money for our future ?? This is a joke and we should not have to be babysit like this. We are not stupid, we know the risk of leverage investment, and by buying it, acknowledge it. I have a pension plan, I buy the Sp500 in the RRSP, why can't I take some risk in my TFSA ?? Why should you be the one to decide where I put my money ? Leverage investment are a great way to add some risk/reward to a portfolio and we shouldn't be out of this. This is exactly why everyone has been buying bitcoin, [REDACTED] since no one can do those sort of things. We want to have faith in our system, but with things like this, it is hard to.