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Masad Baba Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Masad Baba

I dont understand the need for this regulation.

I understand the risk of EVERY investment I make, whether it be real estate, art, stocks, ETFs, etc. Furthermore, I understand leveraged risk, and I gladly risk what I can afford to lose. I dont know why FINRA feels the need to impose restrictions on such public securities. Baffles me.

Furthermore, leveraged and inverse funds are vital to my trading/investing strategy. They allow me to hedge when needed, and I find more comfort in a fund versus a specific stock at times.

In short, just stop, please. Let me trade the SQQQs, TQQQs, etc. as I deem necessary for my portfolio. You denying this opportunity and only allowed privileged investors just further illustrates how honest and working type cant get a fair shake.

I hope this bill is denied.