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Martin Zourek Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Martin Zourek

Dear regulators,

I believe, the US is a free country and it should be my choice of what I want to invest into and what not, not you. I originally came from a communist country where the government and regulators controlled and regulated every citizens' life. You are starting to remind me of those days.

Why are you going to punish responsible investors like me for a few irresponsible and lazy investors who lose their money just because they refuse to educate themselves and gamble? I do not need to undergo any special processes, tests, licensing, or any obstacles just to be able to invest. I studied and read tons of material on investing into stocks, funds, ETFs, options, futures, and leveraged instruments. You do not have to be my nor anyone else's nanny.

An ability to invest into leveraged instruments is my investing and trading strategy and I used the leveraged instruments not to gamble my money but to boost my returns and catch up with my investment and retirement goals as well as hedging my other investments to protect my portfolio, namely when FED fails to fulfil their mission of providing the "nation with safe, flexible, and stable monetary and financial system." Take this ability away and you will be responsible of me and my needs in my and my family retirement age.

I spent 15 years learning and applying my knowledge to investing and trading my portfolio and now I am seeing results of that effort and you are going to take it away? You would waste hours and hours of my time and money and I am not happy with that at all. So I strongly oppose any regulations and limitations to investing into leveraged instruments. I am an adult and do not need your pampering.

Thank you!