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Martin Tysanner Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Martin Tysanner

I strongly oppose restrictions on my right to invest in publicly traded securities, including leveraged instruments both bullish and bearish. I take the time to understand the risks of these funds, and limit my exposure accordingly.

Leveraged funds are an important part of my portfolio management. During adverse market conditions I use inverse funds for hedging; for multiple reasons I don't use options for hedging. Without access to inverse funds, I would need to reduce risk by reducing holdings beyond what I want, leading to otherwise-unnecessary trades and loss of long-term capital gains rates.

I use leveraged (bullish) funds to take advantage of short term market trends. These short-term trading instruments allow me to increase my returns while risking only a relatively small part of investible capital.

Please do not take away or limit my right to use such funds. It will harm me, not help.