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Martin Izdimirski Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Martin Izdimirski

To Whom It May Concern That is Trying to Intervene in The Market, I am a strong opposer of regulatory bodies protecting investors by interfering with an already not-so-free market by attempting to become an ever-larger babysitter. Please, give the market its voice back! If there is demand for various risky investment vehicles, allow that demand to be met by additional supply of new risky assets. You should allow people to lose their shirts if they are so inclined to do so (or contribute to their savings). That is their choice and responsibility as individuals. If I have decided to hold inverse funds for a prolonged period of time against the entire market, the burden is on me to make that call and embrace the outcome. To conclude, by making investing a walled off garden, you, as regulators, are solely contributing to making the upper classes more privileged and are widening the inequality gap. So much for fighting inequality. You are already forcing normal people to take actual, obscene risks by investing in [REDACTED] coins, which is just a mere attempt by them to catch up. Thank you from a dear pleb!