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Marshall James Fox Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Marshall James Fox

I have been investing since 1969. During that time, I have made many mistakes, some quite costly, but from each of them, I’ve learned something. I’ve never learned anything by being right. If regulation such as you are now proposing had been in effect then, I would have been prohibited from making the choices that taught me to be a better investor. People are not protected by this kind of paternalistic regulation. Rather, growth and learning opportunities are denied them. Today, I use inverse ETF’s as a hedging device in my retirement account because I am prohibited from establishing short positions. If these instruments are denied me, the only hedging opportunity remaining will be futures and options, which are more risky than inverse ETF’s. What make you so prescient that you can decide what’s best for me and millions of others you have never met? I urge you to leave things as they are.