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Mark Prisbrey Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Mark Prisbrey

Asset classes of any kind should not be restricted to average investors, giving the wealthy advantages and regular people a disadvantage.

Regulators should not tell the public what they can and cannot invest in for any public investment.

Leveraged & inverse funds are critical components in my personal investment strategies. I use many of them in my retirement and non-retirement accounts as part of both timed and non-timed, index building, asset allocation, alpha generation, beta moderation and hedging/risk reduction strategies.

I am an average person and I guarantee that my track record out performs any regulator that wants to take my investment vehicles of choice away from me.

Retail Investors should not be required to pass special requirements, exams, or regulated qualifications in any way. The risks are clear, education sources are ample, and I do not need anyone telling me what I can and cannot or should and should not do.