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Mark Perry Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Mark Perry

I'm retired, and I've been investing successfully for over40 years now and in that process have used both leveraged and inverse funds in the stock markets, as well as options and futures, in addition to investing in bonds. I take great exception to the FINRA requirements described in Notice #22-08 now being considered which would limit my ability to access some of these investments without jumping through a bunch of hoops. The risk you may think is inherent in the leveraged and inverse funds can be used to hedge other risks elsewhere in one's investment portfolio to help balance an investment portfolio and in fact reduce risk. I'm not a rich man but as a successful investor I resent the notion that just because another investor has a larger balance sheet than I do that it means I should have to meet more stringent investment requirements and risk the chance that the government regulators don't believe I know how to invest safely. That's for me to decide in the end not our government no matter how good intentioned the government may be.