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Mark Linnen Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Mark Linnen

I'm not god's gift to investing, but these funds figure prominently in my portfolio, and I was up about 50% last year - and this year I'm doing just a little worse than the S&P. Not bad overall.

The idea that I could have been prevented from achieving these returns because I don't have a high enough net worth or because I couldn't pass some stupid test is incredibly annoying.

There is plenty of publicly available literature about how leveraged and inverse products work - and there's a warning about them being high-risk when you buy them through all brokerages. Anything beyond this is just massive overkill and a waste of time.

If you really want to protect smaller investors, make sure these products are working as advertised (for example, how is Barclays not facing steep fines for the current mess with VXX?) and focus on market manipulation by the huge players.