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Mark Heiman Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Mark Heiman

I have been investing in these types of securities for a very long time especially if closed end funds are included in the list, it has been well over 20 years and I already understand the risks and have ridden through the crash of 1987, the tech bubble, crash of 2008-2009, etc.

I think these types of investments (leveraged funds, etc.) should not be any more regulated than they currently are and it concerns me the negative impact the regulation could have on existing shareholders as it would limit access to trading the funds and limit liquidity at least short term.

I don't know what is driving this regulation. Is it one or two bad apples ruining for the whole bunch?

As a successful, experienced investor I don't see the need to prove myself. It is my money to invest as I see fit and not be overly regulated!!! It seems every time a regulation is passed there go some of my freedoms.

I use options, closed-end funds and leveraged funds as an important part of my long term investment strategy and have for a long time. Am I in over my head? No, I only expose myself to money I can afford to lose but do so in a conservative manner.

Please seriously consider the implications this regulation could have on the industry and on individuals.