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Margaret Toale Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Margaret Toale

Dear FINRA Regulators, I write to express my objection to proposed Rule #S7-24-15. I should not have to be a member of an elite privileged group to use public investments like leveraged and inverse funds. These investment vehicles have been an integral, but limited part of my hedged portfolio. Depriving me of that choice does not reduce my risk but increases it. I have used leveraged and inverse funds to good effect and should not now become subject to being tested by regulators in order to have access to these Public investments. I, not regulators, understand what is in my best interest and the level of risk acceptable in my circumstances. I am capable of understanding the benefits and risks of leveraged and inverse funds. Your proposed measures would be detrimental to my investment strategy. I sincerely hope you will seriously reconsider imposing the propsed restrictions. They will have a considerable negative effect on my ability to invest my own funds. Thank in advance for your consideration. Respectfully,