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Luis Legrand Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08


Dear FINRA Members, As well as you may know, in Argentina we have serious limitations or restrictions to manage our own surplus money. And that's the reason why I thought your country was a bit different from ours, because you have the freedom (as in many other things) to invest in whatever you want to. Now, reading about all these "rules" "tests" , etc only brings me bad memories and sadness. I use leveraged and inverse funds because I seek enhanced returns from them, and I am aware about their risks. Having them or not in my portfolio I thought it was my decision, my right to do it. I own a bussiness in Argentina and I can be sure to tell you that it is more risky than investing in leveraged funds. I'm hopping that the rules keeps going the same way. Thank you all for hearing my comment, thats very important too. Regards, Luis Legrand