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Logan Goldstein Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Logan Goldstein

As an informed and educated professional, I should have the right to invest in whatever funds I please. Leveraged ETFS in particular do not pose a risk to my personal financial freedom or wealth. As someone who has read the prospectus of UPRO, TQQQ and TMF, I feel that it is my right as an American to express myself freely supporting these leveraged funds. I know the risks that come with these funds, and they allow me to seek advantageous returns while not risking more than my initial capital investment. I am young with a long time horizon, but do not risk to take out leverage personally to mimic these funds so I am utilizing these etfs to maximize my returns.

I do not need to be protected from myself and I should be fit to invest in the funds, etfs and programs that align with my own investment thesis. By creating more barriers to high finance, we are furthering the divide and gap between the rich and the poor, and disenfranchising those without the capital to benefit from these funds.