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Linfred Unternahrer Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Linfred Unternahrer

I believe it would not be right to limit the use of inverse and leveraged funds only to specialized brokers or limit them to certain sectors. As a public investor I use leveraged and inverse funds on a daily basis as a way to seek enhanced returns. I am fully aware of the risk of these funds, going so far as to download 30+ years of historical market data and running my trading strategy against this to see how it would perform in up and down markets. I look not only at the 5,10, and 20 year returns but I am also looking at the 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 1 year and 2 year returns over those 30 years to gauge how much fluctuation to expect in my portfolio in the short term and long term. I understand that a one day 30% loss takes a one day gain of 42% to make it up and there is risk in that however I believe it is the right of the general public to make those decisions for themselves what level of risk they are willing to take. It would be incredibly unfair to limit the potential enhanced returns only to specialized brokers. The point of the public markets is for the public.