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Linda Philippou Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Linda Philippou

It has come to our attention that under the regulations being considered by FINRA I may not be able to buy leveraged and inverse funds like TQQQ, SQQQ and others. I would like yo urge you to NOT implement these regulations. These funds are important to my and my husbands investment strategies and restricting these funds will hurt both us and others we have encouraged over the years to use to enhance returns. I believe that people putting their money in the stock market, no matter what fund or stock it is in, understand the risks, as well as the possible rewards. Those who do not want to take any risks put their money in savings accounts or CD's, others like us prefer to make small investments in various stocks and etf's with hopes of higher returns. We all understand the risks and don't need others to try and protect us. ANY investment in the stock market has risks and we all enter with our eyes wide open. Please do NOT regulate our ability to trade in ANY fund, ETF or stock we choose to. As it is our broker already limits the margin on ETF's like TQQQ and that is enough. We prefer to trade with our available funds and not on margin anyway and we already understand the risks involved. If you don't understand the risks involved you should not be trading or investing in the stock market. In my opinion purchasing 200 shares of Apple is just as risky as purchasing 200 shares of TQQQ. It is not necessary for regulators to restrict the purchase of some shares and not others.

I urge you to please NOT implement these restrictions, I believe that in the long run it will hurt small investors like my husband and I.

Thank You,